Experienced Criminal Defense Attorneys

Fighting Against Your Criminal Charges

Criminal charges have the potential to change the entire course of your life. A conviction can result in substantial legal fines, prison time, losing your job, your license or your future. With so much at stake in your criminal defense case, you want to be sure that the legal representation you choose can stand for your best interests.

At the Brownsville office of MBMT Law Firm, our Texas attorneys are proud to provide our clients with the legal defense they need against their criminal charges. Since 1970, we have been developing personalized defense strategies for each of our clients throughout South Texas, and we have built our reputation for success due to our dedication to our clients.

Building A Strong Defense Against Serious Charges

No matter what case we take, we ensure that we work closely with our clients so that we have the information we need to pursue the outcome they deserve. In the decades we have been representing clients with smaller criminal defense cases, we have also been holding our talents for the more complex cases, including white-collar crimes and federal crimes.

Part of what makes our law firm so successful is our creativity while developing defense strategies. In any criminal defense case we take, you can trust that our lawyers are taking every measure to protect our clients, including reviewing the integrity of any evidence in the case, consulting with expert witnesses, and scrutinizing police testimony and their actions during the arrest.

As your legal representation, you can rest easy knowing that we are doing everything in our power to either reduce the charges you are facing, minimize the consequences of your charges or win your case altogether.

Do Not Wait To Reach Out To Us

Time is one of your most valuable assets in a criminal defense case. The more time you can give your lawyer to develop a strategy to defend you, the stronger your case may be. Give us the time we need by calling us today at 956-550-4868 or emailing us here.